Amulet of luck and attracted we are to the money for the life of the owner success in all areas of life. As a talisman, any suitable small items, as long as they were loaded correctly.
As they are and amulets talismans to attract money and good luck
Charms properties have many useful:
- Being able to draw in a person's life fund from different sources.
- Able to program the subconscious mind of its owner to receive the money.
- Create around you an aura of attraction bills.
- Protect all your tools from theft.
- Avoid examine examine useless purchases and expenses.
- Offer the opportunity to earn even more.
- Guard the sources of income and protect them from the loss.
- Saturate the housing people energy.
- Provide UN continuous flow of regular diners.
- Help to win the lottery.
How to make talismans in the bag with your hands
To make talismans, without the need of resorting to the black magic. Diners amulets can be made independently in house conditions.
Horde amulet

Horde amulet, in a currency that is tied with a rope running through it. It is believed that this kind of talisman to help protect the user from poverty and ruin, I bring in your life a large amount of money. A distinctive feature of the Un of the amulet and protect from enemies, because of the person who has financial problems.
For the manufacture of the amulet, you will have the Horde of the currency. If you can't get to find any on the street, but not at the intersection. Up By the earth and is necessary with the words, "luck and happiness" and not show it to anyone.
I have amulet and when the moon is waxing, preferably on Wednesday.
A few days before you commit ritual s of the un should not be considered a change. It is necessary to prepare 3 green candles and black piping. Turn on the Un midnight all the candles, holding the coin in his left hand, he said of the conspiracy: "In the hand of the currency as well as how I am celebrating. As do I, now and always wealth will be close. Let them draw it in the attraction will bring more money. I now always live in luxury and wealth."
Original works of art of the reading of the plot should tie up of the currency exchanged. In the morning, to bring un amulet neck.
Find currency
Any found on the street currency can be a powerful guests magnet. For this is necessary in order to carry out the rite. On the moon exactly at midnight in the light of the candles and reading of the plot: "talk, Talk, and attract the good luck. The rest can come. My words are powerful, truthful, fire, fixed, supported by the faith. Accidental will be mine and the beginning of large amounts of money". Works of art read the original spells need to wait for the candle to burn out, then the currency I have allowed to put in a bag.
Decorative mouse

In order to un-attract more of your life money, you need to buy fyke mouse. Can be wood or metal. Original works of art to buy UN mouse, you have to read the argument: "the Mouse, check, diners go." The un mouse amulet protect can help your portfolio of theft and climb up the ladder to corporate.
The un charm of dollars
Project of law Thus became one of the diners lucky charm you need to UN-sign with the denomination of 1 dollar. A possible amulet bag un do it one of two ways.
The first way that your guests put in an unusual way, I original work of art was put in the pocket. Correctly sometimes the u.s. dollar, you will need to do the following:
- The bill is folded in half. The portrait of the President should be outside.
- In the upper left corner of the ticket is bent, so that he was in the center lane.
- In the same way important to bend the bottom, to the left.
- The right is bent to the diagonal. The image of the pyramid should be at the top.
- The triangle resulting full and the rest of the corner of your invoice.
The dollar put it in your bag and always carry with them.
Banknote of 1 dollar that you can only talk. You will need:
- green and the Church candles;
- cinnamon in powder form.
Exactly at midnight, lit all the candles, and a few minutes to imagine a how a growing number of dollars in your wallet. To read the law about the plot: "I have all the money that is needed to make dreams come true. I thrive, rich SOC. So be it." Original works of art from the reading of spells, the project of law put in the pocket, so that he was lying separately from the rest of the diners. The un has dollar charm that can't get it I'm going to show other people.
Imperial pet of any currency

To produce Imperial talisman, you need to prepare the following attributes:
- the currency value of a hat;
- candle Church;
- the red cotton material.
At midnight, when the moon with waxing at the wax of the candle's lit up. Orogami tune have of a wave of favour, and then, holding the coin in his right hand, imagine a as wealth and money are important in life. The currency is in the fabric left I went to sleep all night in the light of the moon. The next day he wrapped the flap clean and under the pillow. The amulet will start to operate in a week.
Silver spoon
Miniature silver spoon helps to attract money. I have also called "spoon-Zagrebacka". How to speak with the spoon, to rake in the customers. To activate it, you will need to read the plot: "Spoon, live in my bag, attracted money to yourself. I have friends with you, happiness and wealth for the attraction". Amulet of job that you should clean destinations times a year. This is necessary to reduce the spoon during the night with a glass of salted Holy water. In the morning Zagrebacka washed with pure water and again put in the pocket.
Cash key
Magnet money for can be UN metal key. Cash to load it with energy, you will need to buy UN new lock and key and hide it in the night safe in the. If no box attributes can be pulled off in any other place in the people's stores. In the morning key I allowed to get it and hide it in the bag. The castle remains in the same place. Since then, the Funding will be attracted from different sources.
Diners amulet of the shaman

Shaman amulet and a braided pendant can be activated only with a shaman ancient rituals. This pet help quickly the owner to get an inheritance, win a large sum in a lottery or to get UN paid work. All funds raised will accrue to the man easily and without effort.
Pentacle Of Solomon
This amulet, on one of two sides of the coin looks like s un seal. Can be made of metal or clay. It is believed that this kind of talisman can bring to a person's life successful, to help develop the business and keep from losing trades.
The amulet must be cleaned, at least once a month for not for not for remove your negative energy. For this reason, a sufficient to wash with clean water and back to the neck.
Talisman of the Altai monks
This lucky charm and a coin that speak Sanskrit and monks. And a powerful talisman I can to help people cope with depression, anger, to attract good luck and of stable, high income.
The amulet no one can be, to show and convey. That has to be kept in a safe place, a home, a no one will see it. So ward does not lose its power for a long time should be treated with respect, to talk to him and give thanks for prosperity.
Muslim amulet diners and good luck
This talisman decrease in currency, that the decrease Muslim ornament. It is believed that the amulet that protects against evil and the evil eye metres attracts wealth in the life of the owner. The wear and tear is allowed only to Muslims.
How to make the amulets for storage in the house
The house reigned an aura of well-being and prosperity, made homemade charms.
The miracle bag
To make this amulet you will need:
- the cloth of a red color;
- advantages of different currencies;
- eucalyptus oil;
- the un, the red thread.
Red on the flap of the first need to sew a bag for a small. Drip coin for Each bit of oil. The bag When it is full of coins, the tie a red woolen thread. Pet clean in a pretty dark place of the house. You can get it once a week un monetary policy of the fed of the energy.
Encrypted bill
This amulet of the un staff talisman of the man. And desirable to select the UN bill, a series or the number of which coincides with the data of birth of the holder.
To encrypt the ticket you will need:
- note of large denomination;
- green thread;
- oil of bergamot;
- wise;
- the green candle.
For money, first put a drop of oil of bergamot. When the oil's dry, bill recipient, filmed in a form of a green tie and thread, make sure to make 3 knots. Original works of art of this, within the tube, put a branch of sage. The amulet and sealing wax grave with candles. The pet must be stored in a place in the house dark, impossible and get it and show to the outsiders.
Pectoral amulets Feng Shui and attract money
Feng Shui charms you can use or have in the home. Carry the owner what you want, attract good fortune and luck.
Three-fingered toad
Three-fingers toad with a coin in the mouth of the un symbol of wealth and prosperity.

When you purchase this amulet you need to take into account some requirements:
- And the toad desirable that it was made of jade.
- The un talisman actively attracted positive energy, the iol needs to be covered or with.
- The coin must be in the mouth of characters and free to withdraw.
- The eyes of the amulet must be the red colour of the Auditori Winterthur.
- To the rear of the frog should be the pattern of the constel·instal·instal·lació.
Amulet active That s is in the aquarium. It allows you to periodically spray the toad with water d', but the I effect weak. The amulet must be close to the front door, his back to her. I impossible to remove the un in the toad top shelf, because it does not tolerate the"'height.
Wrist strap
Wrist strap knitted can be of various colors. I best to use woolen yarns. For the manufacture of lace you need to UN thread of yellow, red and green hues. The color red attracts love, green for financial well-being, yellow — health. Bracelet, you should weave in a full moon, while you view your desire. Original work of art from the end of the ritual, weaving UN talisman worn on the left arm or leg.
Hotei and a God of abundance, the statue of different materials: clay, stone, wood. The material does not affect the validity of the amulet.
The prosperity and wealth, the statue Pat on the stomach sometimes 350.
Hotea located on either side of the house, preferably near the entrance. Before leaving the house, a statue of iron in the stomach destinations sometimes. If you follow these rules, then the amulet will work in full force.
The Auditori Winterthur, collection of diners and good luck
The stone of the un material that attracts most to the life of a person good luck and success. Stone amulets are convenient because they can bring or make a decoration.
Rhodonite and minerals of the un consisting of manganese and the present. The following Have the properties:

- Help to get of the un high stable income.
- You can put all people, regardless of gender and age.
- Waking up can Be leadership trends that will help to build your business.
- Will make the owner popular, I want to praise him.
- Filled with the body of strength and energy.
- It shows the path to the right.
Jade and semiprecious minerals and difficult to break. You can have different colors from white to dark green. This stone destinations has properties:
- Need a person to get out of poverty.
- Pot a to attract the desired amount.
- Strengthens the physical health and immunity.
- Helps pregnant women to have a healthy child.
It is not recommended to use the stone for more than 5 hours.
Chrysolite, a stone precious, that and soluble in acid. Has un color a yellow dark green.
Magical properties of the stone:
- Protects the house from evil, the envy of the people.
- Help the owner become lucky and successful.
- In combination with gold stone acquires a great force which attracts the un-luxury.
- It strengthens the ties of kinship and friendship.
- Positive effect on the health of men.
How to make charms of the plants
To make the amulet of the plants, you need to put them in the sack — so that all the energy is concentrated in a single place.
The Herbs and plants that are lucky to attract and wealth:
- the glacier of the aneto — symbolizes prosperity and passion, helps people to make for themselves a place in the pinnacle of success;
- cloves — attracts large gains;
- thyme — add to your Group money to carry a house;
- Basil — protects the house from harm, attracts good luck and love;
- in combination with ginger spells can take out the evil spirits;
- Daisy — white flowers will help you to get money from a lover of the person;
- vervain relieves insomnia and improves health;
- peony growing need of big flowers, and original works of art from the wealth of not to continue waiting;
- Orchid — a to get help senior executives;
- oats — s activates the flow of projects to the diners.
The Slavic amulet of cinnamon, ginger, and eucalyptus pins, needles
To make this amulet, you will need to:
- pine branches;
- eucalyptus;
- 'ginger root;
- cinnamon;
- bag;
- wool thread green.
All the herbs have been chopped to be put in a cloth bag. During the police of the need to imagine me surrounded by wealth and luxury. The bag is fastened with a thread and is removed to a prominent place in the house.
Amulet of black pepper
Amulet with black pepper, a un time to close the un agreement and / or increase the chances of winning the lottery.
The ritual you will need:
- the un white sheet of paper;
- high glass jar;
- pepper.
Need to wait for a full moon I leave the ship, with charge at night with the light of the moon. The next day, on the paper you need to write in the amount that is needed. Leaf rolled in a tub and immersed himself in the position of the ship. Sprinkled It on the top part of the black pepper. The charm should hide in a dark place. In the face of an event of the boat's important and necessary to shake, at this point it will begin to operate.
How to make runic talismans a house
Check If the values of the rubble, you can create un-powerful talisman for l d attract a life of prosperity.

The Mill
The mascot is called "the Mill" only helps hard-working people. Those who are lazy, will not help.
To make the amulet, you will need a piece of round wood.
Burn 4 runes:
- Ch — owner to pay help debt;
- Z — symbolizes prosperity;
- N — increases the benefit, there is no avenue m what kind of business to engage people;
- F — rune Fehu, thanks to his life comes from the un happy band.
Original works of art of the talisman is made, it should always carry with you.
Three rune Fehu
The rune Fehu, and a symbol with the letter F, which is dedicated to the God of fertility and wealth. To make this amulet, which has d'3 prepare the letter F on a wood or stone block. Triple image of debris increases the effect of a talisman.
The formula to attract good luck
The formula for attracting wealth has to be written for hanging on the that a person can always be worn on the neck.
The meaning of the symbols of success:
- Anzuc — the wisdom, the knowledge, the inspiration;
- Uruz — the goals, the possibilities, the realization of desires;
- Dagaz — the success, the abundance;
- Eihwaz support of help, protection,
- Othila — the destiny, the income, time;
- Jera — good luck, fortune, grace;
- Tiwaz — spirituality, of the struggle of war;
- Sowelu winning, wisdom;
- Fehu — wealth, income, money, abundance.
This formula has brought prosperity, and necessary to prepare correctly. Examples of formulas:
- Fehu — Othila — Jera — helps to increase wealth.
- Othila — Tiwaz — Uruz — Sowelu — the development and prosperity of the company regardless of its competitors.
- Fehu — Tiwaz — Othila — the emergence of new sources of income.
- Anzuc — Eihwaz — Sowelu — smooth attraction of funds.
Charms to attract money on the signs of the zodiac

The right mascot run continuously, the more you amulets are those generated by the data of birth and depending on the sign of the zodiac:
- In the RAM protects the planet Mars, in a way that conforms to the charms, that are related to war and weapons.
- Taurus and worried always about their status so that the figurine of the bull will give the owner of the wisdom and the power.
- Twins are subject to a mercury, so that it will be the impact from the talisman in the shape of a monkey.
- The un talisman in the shape of heart Cancer becomes soft and flexible, that will always be a success.
- Leo must have amulet in the form of an animal, majestic made of precious metals.
- Virgin — wise and developed, so that you need the symbol of the classes.
- Pastime of the Un favourite of the scale reading. As a talisman that you can bring in your favorite book.
- All the Scorpions, who are looking for get rich s has been hanging in the neck pendant in the form of a beetle.
- Archers like centaurs, to be able to fight for your dream. Amulet in the form of be is to help them to achieve it.
- Black cat for Capricorns would be the best pet of life.
- Those born under the sign of Aquarius has to have the amulet in the form of flying insects or objects.
- All associat with the water element, it will be a pet Fish.
In the form, color and mark, a symbol, you can create un-powerful amulet for attracting success and prosperity. If the creation of a talisman with your own hands possible and not allowed to buy a figure symbolizing the zodiac sign of a person.
What properties must have amulet for each sign of the zodiac, can be seen in the following table:
Zodiac | Form | Color | Symbol | Stone | Figurine |
Aries | square | gold | 'weapons | hematite | RAM |
Taurus | animals | green | elephant | turquoise | bull |
Twins | abstraction | blue | key | amethyst | monkey |
The cancer | round | silver | heart | pearl | turtle |
Leo | star | black | star | Heliodor | Leo |
Virgin | puppy | purple | bird | jade | owl |
Pound | heart | turquoise | book | Rubin | otter |
Scorpio | triangle | Burgundy | bullet | Jasper | beetle |
Sagittarius | horseshoe | blue | spoon | sapphire | the centaur |
Capricorn | oval | excavation | cat | Rubin | goat |
Aquarius | zig-zag | purple | angel | glass | the butterfly |
Fish | shell | purple | fish | assumpta | ship |
Elements that can sense raise money rituals and activation
There are several elements and capable than wealth to attract sense to use the spells.
The un four-leaf clover

Clover with four petals and rare, but if a person finds him, that soon his good will actually.
Each piece has un different meaning.
- the first symbolizes hope and is related to the element of fire;
- second means fortune and success;
- the third and the symbol of the love strong;
- fourth — the wealth, the health.
Clover can bring good luck in different ways:
- Success in business, accompanied, if you please, a plant of the shoes.
- Money always brought them in a bag, in place of the dry clover.
- Relieve tension mental, and wrapped in a cloth of blue, I brought with you.
- Will deter the haters from the beginning, if you hang the flower in the frame of the door on.
- Two lovers have been eating the petals connected to be between.
To bring in-house resources, you need to upload un horse Shoe on the door. The horseshoe should be hung the spikes up. You can buy a pot small clay or wood and take it a the same effect and.
"tree of diners
Jade, a plant that is called the "tree of happiness". Wealth To bring, if you want to put it.
The algorithm of actions of the landing when:
- Purchase a clay pot of medium size.
- Can be washed with Holy water and immediately s pour it in the ground.
- Put In the ground a few coins of the same denomination.
- Floor of the un tree.
If you get hall tree with your own hands, don't buy the jade always attract work and money, the power of the house.
Mint leaves
The mint and able to attract large denomination bills. To make it a leaf small plant of a scam and secs, I original work of art was put in the pocket. The time With the customers becomes more and more.
Antique Coins
Antique coins, and even the value, and able to raise the capital. To do this, you should always carry in your wallet.